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Magali Avila’s abstract works serve as a base on which the specific senses need to be understood from the emotions and ideas that are born from a state of time that’s unique and internal. Her paintings, with forms that suggest weaving, can be interpreted in conceptual terms, which creates a significance that is parallel to the large physical actions of movement and reflect the emotional and intellectual feelings with which they were created.

The artist, who with her experience and formation in contemporary dance, expresses that which lies, in the inner most part of her being: The meaning of her paintings.

It is from within the abstraction of her canvases that the sense of her paintings is liberated, this is when we as spectators are given the opportunity to interpret the work. This freedom of personal consciousness causes a precise situation: the moment the work expresses itself.

This set of paintings, done in encaustic show in a subtle way, repeated bands of paint that suggest weaving and underline the union between the interior and the exterior, leading to a poetic expression of extreme aesthetic delicacy. Avila’s canvases deploy themselves limpidly in the most intimate part of a ciphered habitation, where states of consciousness can be found through a deep exploration. Vigorous strokes of paint express a sense of time and space. The is no closure in the abstract mass of the paintings but they show us the way to decode the work a space where total unity and individual multiplicity is emphasized, that is where its plastic richness lies.

In the video-installation Vacuidad-Ubicuidad, sounds harmonize as part of sonic scenario that intensifies and then becomes soft and so completes the creative action that can be conceived as a representation of the interior world as the driving force that travels a multitude of geographies in which each period co exist with the axis. The internal voices that are heard show precisely that the splitting of the senses does exist, and that nothing dies. Everything is transformed in the vastness of the universe.
Ingrid Suckaer

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